01206 870054 

Our Frequently Asked Questions 

How can I pause my deliveries when going on holiday? 

You can either 
1, Leave a note out for the milkman the night before delivery. 
2, You can give us a ring or send us an email between 9am to 1pm Monday to Friday or 8am to 5pm on Saturdays. 

How can i switch my milk invoice from paper to e-billing? 

You can either 
1, Leave a note out for the milkman the night before delivery. 
2, You can give us a ring or send us an email between 9am to 1pm Monday to Friday or 8am to 5pm on Saturdays. 

How can I adjust my milk usage? 

You can either 
1, Leave a note out for the milkman the night before delivery. 
2, You can give us a ring or send us an email between 9am to 1pm Monday to Friday or 8am to 5pm on Saturdays. 

How many days notice do you need on products? 

If you no longer wish to add certain products on your order we need 7 days notice as we specially order fresh products for you. 

What are your payment options? 

You can either 
1, Leave cash or cheque out for the milkman the night before delivery 
2, You can make an online banking payment (BACS)  
Account Name: Colchester Dairy, Sort Code: 08-92-50, Account Number 68643315, for reference of payment please use your URN number  
3, You can make a Debit or Credit card payment on the website, Click on pay your bill and follow the instructions. 
4, You can contact the office on 01206 870054 to make an payment by phone office hours 9am to 1pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 5pm on Saturdays 

Can i leave the empty bottles out for the milkman? 

Yes, if you can rinse the bottles and leave out for your milkman the night before.